Gnosticism expert Peter Canova joins Whitley to do a deep dive into the incredible connections between ancient Gnostic ideas and modern physics. The result is an eerie, completely fascinating show that makes you wonder not only what they knew but how and why we lost that knowledge, for much of it is fragmentary and some may be held secret.
This is a classic example of how our host can turn a very complex subject into a riveting story and leaves you full of new knowledge–especially when he has an expert like Peter Canova answering those great Whitley questions!
This one will really make you think–about who you are, what we are, and how we can empower ourselves in some completely new ways. Ancient knowledge was and is powerful stuff, and the key to using it to empower your own life is real understanding.
Enjoy the show!
You can learn more about Peter, his work and his podcast at PeterCanova.com.
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