A longstanding remote viewing group called the Hellfire Remote Viewing Club decided to remote view Whitley’s implant. They have published their results on YouTube, and in this show Whitley interviews two of them, Dennis Napi and , discuss their findings with Whitley in this fascinating interview. All of the remote viewers in the group got strong hits. In his commentary on his own session on their site, Don describes his experience as “surprise and disbelief” due to the extraordinary data he was receiving. Whitley goes deep with the two remote viewers, exploring the meanings, often hidden, of what they found.
No matter how you cut it, you will NEVER hear anything like this anywhere else!
The image is a CT scan of Whitley’s head showing the location of his implant. (White dot on the ear on the right, which is his left ear. Image is reversed.)
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A Remote Viewing Team Looks at Whitley’s Implant-a Wow of a Show!