Legendary New York Times reporter and author of the great book about Dr. John Mack, the Believer, and his wife, children’s book author Deborah Blumenthal, have teamed up together to write what may be the first UFO book intended for young children. UFOOhs! is a gentle, questioning and beautiful introduction to the subject for the very young, and in this interview Whitley explores with Deborah and Ralph some of their reasons for writing it and some of the questions it raises.
Should we introduce our youngest ones to the subject at all?
What if the government admits the truth, how will this book help us explain to our kids?
How much should we say is true and how much still in question?
What about close encounter reports about the Ariel School event? How do we deal with them?
And Rosewell–did it happen or not? How do we explain to the very young?
This lovely, gentle book offers real support to any family whose young children may be asking questions about UFOs and certainly belongs in every experiencer household with young kids. Get it for YOUR kids or grandkids! Click here.
Ralph’s website is RalphBlumenthal.com and Deborah’s is DeborahBlumenthal.com
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