The latest Rasmussen Reports survey finds that 52% of likely U.S. voters say the U.S. economy has deteriorated under President Joe Biden, while 31% say it has improved, and 14% say it is flat.
In contrast, in a Labor Day speech, the president declared the success of “Bidenomics,” saying he “created more jobs in two years than any president has created in a four-year term.”
The job market in the United States remains strong, and the Consumer Price Index (CPI) has come down from a high of over 9% in June, 2022, to 3.2% in July. The Federal Reserve has raised interest rates significantly, affecting borrowing costs and mortgages.
Gross Domestic Income only grew in real terms at 0.5%, unlike the over 2% reported GDP.
While 51% of Democrats said they think the economy has improved under Biden, that opinion is shared by only 12% of Republicans and 28% of unaffiliated voters, according to Rasmussen. Majorities of both Republicans (79%) and unaffiliated voters (55%) in the survey say the economy has deteriorated since Biden became president, and 25% of Democrats agree.
Biden gets the blame for the economy from 42% of likely voters in the survey, while 29% say Republicans in Congress deserve more blame, and 19% say Democrats in Congress are more to blame. Another 10% are undecided.
Republicans are more likely to blame Biden for the economy, while Democrats tend to blame Congressional Republicans.
More men (49%) than women voters (36%) say Biden deserves more blame for economic problems, but a majority of both men and women voters agree that the economy has worsened since Biden took office.
Among whites, 55% of whites say the economy has deteriorated since Biden became president, with 44% of black voters, and 49% of other minorities saying the same.
Voters under 40 are less likely than their elders to say the U.S. economy has worsened with Biden in the White House. However, voters under 40 are also more likely to blame Biden for current economic problems.
Among self-identified conservative voters, 72% say the U.S. economy has worsened since Biden became president, with 50% of moderates saying the same. However, only 19% of liberal voters share that opinion, and a majority (59%) say the economy has improved during Biden’s presidency.
In terms of income categories, 69% of those in the highest bracket — earning more than $200,000 a year — say the economy has improved with Biden in the White House, but less than a quarter of those with annual incomes below $50,000 share that outlook.
The survey of 1,025 U.S. likely voters was conducted Aug. 29-31, by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research.
Peter Malbin ✉
Peter Malbin, a Newsmax writer, covers news and politics. He has 30 years of news experience, including for the New York Times, New York Post and
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