Robert William Perry
A convicted pedophile will be sent to a women’s prison after changing his pronouns to she/her.
Robert William Perry was sentenced to life in federal prison after being convicted for aggravated sexual abuse of a minor.
Perry sexually abused a 7-year-old girl for whom he was responsible, the DOJ said in a February press release on the sentencing.
The child sex abuse took place in 2017 and 2018.
“Perry sexually abused the minor from May 6, 2017, to May 15, 2018,. Prosecutors contended that Perry would coerce the young child into sex acts then “reward” her with candy, other items, and the opportunity to play video games in what the defendant termed as a “man cave,” a closet where Perry regularly played video games and watched pornography. Most of the abuse occurred in the closet while the child was in the defendant’s care.” the DOJ said.
Perry was finally arrested in 2018 after the 7-year-old victim told a friend at school about the sex abuse.
A teacher reported the sex abuse to the Oklahoma Department of Human Services after a conversation with the victim.
Perry was convicted in 2020, but the conviction was dismissed “because the state lacked jurisdiction to prosecute the case following the Supreme Court’s decision in McGirt v Oklahoma.” the DOJ said.
However, since Perry is a citizen of the Muscogee Nation and the child sex crimes occurred on the tribe’s reservation, the federal government prosecuted the case.
Perry changed his pronouns to she/her during February’s sentencing.
Under US Attorney General Merrick Garland’s policies, Perry will now be sent to a women’s prison.
Reduxx reported:
Perry was sentenced in February of 2023, and, shortly after, the U.S. Department of Justice amended their press release, noting that Perry now went by “she/her” pronouns. Previous releases had described Perry as a “man.”
Court documents reveal that Perry’s change in gender identity appears to have been declared around the same time he was being sentenced to life in prison for his crimes. A sentencing outcome signed by the judge in the case requested Perry be sent to a medium security facility in the Tulsa area with explicit provisions for “gender-care treatment programs.”
Other than the sentencing document, Perry’s gender identity was never mentioned during the trial.
Perry has been placed under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Prisons due to the fact his crimes were committed on the Muscogee Nation reservation. Under current Bureau of Prisons guidelines, Perry would be able to request housing on the basis of his self-declared gender identity.
A man convicted of the horrific sexual abuse of a 7-year-old girl abruptly changed his pronouns to “she/her” while being sentenced to life in federal prison for the crime.
As per Bureau of Prisons policy, Robert Perry II may be moved to a women’s prison.
— REDUXX (@ReduxxMag) April 28, 2023
O’Keefe Media Group released insider footage of a Washington Corrections Center For Women inmate.
The footage shines light on male inmates inside the women’s prison claiming to be transgender.
“Rapists, murderers, child rapists, and men who have killed women in our rooms,” the insider said.
“I know there’s some having sex with women,” the inmate said.
“…Somehow in this institution, they are adopting ways to apply these so-called mandated laws, that came out of no where to prohibit segregation for certain individuals,” the inmate said. ” Usually sex offenders are not in general population…some of these men are not confused. They’re just manipulating the system.”
The inmate said the transgenders get special treatment.
JAILHOUSE FOOTAGE: Male Inmates in Womens’ Prison Claiming to be Transgender.
“Rapists, Murderers, Child Rapists, and Men Who Have Killed Women in Our Rooms”#MillionDollarBaby
— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) April 14, 2023