Riz Virk, author of the shocking Simulated Multiverse (Dreamland 12/3/2021) returns to Dreamland with a surprising show about escaping the matrix–not using some sort of technology, but by engaging with our deepest inner powers using spiritual means that seem like magic, but are actually a practical and understandable science of the soul. We live in a world which no longer believes in anything except material reality. Or, to put it another way, a world that has gone insane. Riz, both an eminent scientist and a powerful spiritual searcher explores such things in this interview as the nature of the trap we call reality and how to escape it, what entities like djiin and archons really are, and, above all, how to acquire and use what seem like magical powers (known as siddhis) to affect the world around us for the better.
Get Riz’s new book here.
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