Developed in Australia by Dr. Bill Cham, Curaderm BEC5, made from eggplant extract, is used worldwide to treat non-melanoma skin cancer. This includes basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, age spots, and keratoses.
One UK study showed that 66 – 78% of the patients in its clinical trial had remission of their skin cancers after eight weeks of treatment with Curaderm. 1
What is Curaderm?
Curaderm BEC5 is a treatment for non-melanoma skin cancer. It has also been used as an anti-aging cream in addition to skin cancer treatment. Curaderm has been tested for twenty-five years throughout Australia and the EU. Testing included basic research, pre-clinical, and clinical research.
Curaderm-BEC5 cream contains the active anti-cancer ingredient Solasodine Glycosides, known as BEC. BEC is present in eggplant. The cream also contains Salicylic Acid and Urea at relatively high concentrations that assist BEC in killing cancer cells.
Ingredients in Curaderm
Curaderm is made from the three following ingredients:
- Solasodine Glycoalkaloids (extracted from eggplants and what is called BEC, are the anti-cancer agents found in Curaderm.
- Salicylic Acid
- Urea
Curaderm contains no fragrances or any other ingredients.
Conditions Treated With Curaderm
Curaderm BEC5 has been used against the following non-melanoma skin cancers, such as:
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- Keratoacanthoma
- Basal Cell Carcinoma
- Age Spots
- Sun Spots
- Keratoses
It is also a preventative measure for the skin since the cream is natural and non-toxic.
Does Curaderm Work on Melanoma?
No. Curaderm is effective on squamous and basal cell skin cancer but not melanoma.
Curaderm Contraindications
Do not use Curaderm on moles, melanoma, or any BCC or SCC skin cancer that has metastasized (spread).
Why Can’t You Eat Eggplant or Apply Eggplant Paste to Skin Cancer?
The reason eggplant won’t help fight skin cancer on its own is because of the presence of “free sugars.” “Free sugars” nullify any anti-cancer properties of BEC. The fascinating process that Dr. Cham used to discover Curaderm BEC5 is worth reading to understand why eggplant in and of itself won’t treat skin cancer.
Over twenty-five years ago, Dr. Cham first extracted alkaloids from the eggplant. He identified these alkaloids as solasodine. He proved that solasodine has no anti-cancer properties. Dr. Cham then modified his extraction procedure to obtain alkaloids in their natural state.
He then found that alkaloids are not present as free alkaloids but are attached to certain sugars, rendering them glycoalkaloids. He then purified these glycoalkaloids and discovered that they had remarkable anti-cancer properties.
Further studies over the years have shown that if these glycoalkaloids are not purified to a certain standard, their efficiency as anti-cancer agents drops dramatically.
In summary, this means if you eat eggplant, which naturally contains BEC, you will also be ingesting free sugars, which destroy the anticancer properties of BEC. 2
How Long Does Curaderm Take to Work?
Treatment with Curaderm is only stopped after the entire lesion has been replaced with normal skin. This depends on the type, size, and depth of the lesion. Small Basal Cell Carcinoma lesions can take one week of treatment, while large lesions may take up to 14 weeks. 3
How to Use Curaderm Topical
How to Use Curaderm Topical
You should follow the instructions below carefully to treat a lesion.
• Wash the lesion and surrounding skin with mild soap and rinse thoroughly, then dry.
• Remove the protective foil that covers the hole in the tube’s lid after unscrewing the top.
• Apply a small amount of Curadern to the lesion, just enough to cover the lesion. Spread evenly over the lesion only.
Note: Do not apply the cream in large quantities.
Note: Do not extend the cream more than 0.5cm onto the normal skin surrounding the edge of the lesion.
• Cover each lesion with surgical tape (paper tape) until the subsequent application of the cream.
• Apply the cream twice daily (at least every 12 hours).
Note: Up to 10 applications with a least a half-hour span can be done daily to remove the lesion more rapidly.
Note: DO NOT allow the area being treated to dry out.
• Stop treatment only when the lesion has been completely cleared and replaced with normal skin.
Note: After the treatment begins, the lesion may appear more prominent. If so, you should apply more Curaderm to cover the area. Once the lesion starts to recede, use less.

What To Expect
During treatment, some degree of redness, itching, skin peeling, swelling, and drainage will be observed.
Tingling or burning may be experienced for 30 to 60 minutes after each application. This is a normal reaction.
You should expect the following typical pattern:
- First reddening, then erosion and ulceration, followed by regrowth of normal skin tissue.
- During treatment, the lesion may appear worse than before treatment.
- During treatment and until the new tissue has regrown, your skin in the treatment area will look noticeably different from normal skin.
Side Effects
Many patients in clinical trials, as well as in clinical practice, have experienced burning sensations after the application of Curaderm. These burning sensations can last for several minutes.
Additional skin reactions include reddening, itchy skin, swelling, ulceration, and pustules. 4
How Do I Store Curaderm?
Curaderm should be stored in the fridge. Curaderm should last five years if refrigerated.
How Long Do I Treat the Lesion For?
You should keep applying the Curaderm BEC5 once a day until the lesion is completely gone.
Where Is Curaderm Made?
The founder of Curaderm, Bill Cham, manufactures it from his private company in Vanuatu.
Where to Buy
Check Google Shopping by typing in the words “Curaderm BEC5” into the search box. You will find authorized distributors at the top of the list.
Curaderm Reviews
Kenneth M. (Ohio) posted on 07/26/2019: “We have used curaderm for several years. It was made in Australia, not cheap but cures all cancer except melanoma. Also cured my wife of a pressure ulcer on her ear hole almost through. Eight days later new skin, no pain ever.. Unknown growth in the ankle and other places healed. We love the products and have pics to prove what I say. My age is 79 and I want to heal, not have symptom relief with side effects.” – Earth Clinic Review.
Posted by Jeremy (Stockbridge, Ga) on 03/08/2017: “Used Curaderm AKA BCE5 – had a squamous cell on my forehead, I knew the dermatologist was gonna cut on it, as I had a cryotherapy a year earlier and it returned. My Naturopath recommended this cream, mainly made of eggplant extracts – worked amazingly in about 3 weeks, it eats away the cancer cells, but does not affect the normal healthy cells” – Earth Clinic Review.
December 8, 2016: “I was diagnosed with infiltrative basal cell carcinoma on the crest of my nose earlier this year. After consulting with three dermatologists I was told my only option was “Mohs” surgery. Due to the size of the carcinoma, my surgery would involve several flaps to cover the removed skin. After much research on the web I decided to go for an alternative treatment that not endorsed by FDA or the US medical community. It is a topical treatment called Curaderm BEC5. The cream is plant based and targets the skin cancer cells. After 70 days of treatment my skin appeared to be cancer free. I did notice a small area of skin that looked like scar tissue and decided to see the dermatologist for their opinion. I ended up having a punch biopsy to find out if there was any cancer left. The biopsy only showed some keloid tissue (scar tissue). I hope that my positive experience in using an alternative method may help others.” – Amazon Review.
April 24, 2016: “I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma on my nose. It manifested as a couple of small bumps that would occasionally bleed after washing my face. I had read about the Curaderm-bec5 cream years ago and remembered it. Thus, when my dermatologist said that the only two treatment options were surgery and radiation, I researched the Curaderm treatment based on Dr. Cham’s book. Impressed with its efficacy and ease of treatment, I decided to give it a try. The cream is applied to the lesions twice daily after washing. Then, the affected area is covered with skin tape. The active ingredient permeates the cancerous cells and destroys them while leaving the normal cells alone. After a short while, the treatment site expands. This is normal as some of the cancerous cells are spread under the skin’s uppermost layer. But, eventually, these cells are destroyed and the healing continues until the site is free of the cancerous cells. My experience has mirrored what I read about in my research. I will continue with the treatments until the area is completely healed. In the worst cases, this took 3 months. Keep the cream refrigerated. It is to be used sparingly. I will have more than enough to treat my small spot. It is effective on squamous and basal cell skin cancer but not melanoma.” – Amazon Review.
Anita D: “I have now been using the cream for just over two weeks. The lesion has gone through almost all the stages indicated on your extremely helpful website. It has now shrunk to a tiny indented patch. I contacted your colleague Bruno after a week of treatment, as I was concerned that the lesion was bleeding. He responded by return, reassuring me that this was part of the curative process and that I should continue the treatment, which I did. The bleeding stopped within 12 hours, and from that time, the lesion started getting better.
The treatment is a bit worrying initially when the skin cancer appears to be getting worse daily! Also, applying the cream at this stage is quite painful. But it only lasts about a week. Your informative website encouraged me to persevere, and the end result is well worth a little discomfort. There is virtually no stinging now when I apply the cream. I hope that this will help encourage others to try Curaderm, which certainly lives up to its excellent reputation!” – Curaderm BEC5 Review.
Continue reading below for reviews from Earth Clinic readers who have used Curaderm! Please let us know if you have tried this remedy!
Curaderm-BEC5 is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The FDA has not evaluated these statements. Information in this article is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your physician or healthcare professional.
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