President Joe Biden delivered his first State of the Union address yesterday. He talked about everything from Russia invading Iran to securing the border against deadly vaccines. Boy, it was a hoot!
For those of you who didn’t have the pleasure of bearing witness to our benevolent leader stringing some words together, here are ten key moments from the speech:
1) When Biden told businesses to cut costs: Genius.
2) When Biden promised to triple inflation: Such ambition!
3) When security deftly switched out Nancy Pelosi for a Pelosi body double without the cameras seeing: Always so sad when MK Ultra wears off.
4) When Clarence Thomas lit up a joint about halfway through: For the nausea.
5) When MTG shotgunned three beers in less than a minute: A new State of the Union record!
6) When Chuck Schumer finally became a gif: Another one checked off the ole bucket list.
7) When Biden made some little boy feel uncomfortable from 50 yards away: He’s been honing his skill.
8) When security dragged out Ron Paul for shouting “WROOONG!” every time Biden explained inflation: He did have a point, though.
9) When Pelosi ripped up pictures of ultrasounds in support of abortion: The only part of her audience participation that came naturally to her.
10) When the hand of God wrote ‘REPENT’ on the wall: An important moment but probably not Biden’s favorite.
NOT SATIRE: Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) is the largest pro-liberty student organization on college campuses. We’re on a mission to help elect 250 hardcore liberty legislators to office. It’s called Operation Win at the Door.
So far, our student activists have helped elect 179 hardcore liberty legislators to office. Here’s how they accomplished it:
Knocked on 3,135,105 doors.
Made 3,696,253 phone calls
Mailed out 466,879 letters.
In fact, our efforts have helped pro-liberty candidates win in 72 counties won by Biden in 2020.
I am looking to raise $18,000 from Babylon Bee readers so we can place our student activists in key states in 2022.
Click here to donate $5, $20.22, $100, or any amount you can generously spare >>>