1. Robert Malley, the man Biden appointed as U.S. Envoy to Iran has been suspended without pay, and the FBI now has an open investigation of mishandling classified information.
2. Ariane Tabatabai, Chief of Staff to Asst. Sec. Def. for Special Ops Christopher Maier, is a long-time member of the “Iran Experts Initiative” (a front group consisting of “academics” and others who “assist” the U.S. Govt in dealing with Iran). Email comms between her and various Iranian officials show that she’s been taking direction from Tehran and reporting on matters learned in her capacity in DOD.
These are 2 HUGE stories…even moreso given the events this past week.
A key feature of the Malley hiring is the fact that he has known Sec. of State Blinken since high school.
The Biden Admin is compromised by foreign spies.